Economics and Finance

For the last two decades, China’s growth has provided unparalleled opportunities for businesses around the world to benefit from. Yet from the ESG implications of investing in companies tied to the Chinese surveillance state or to understanding the drivers behind Xi Jinping’s crackdown on technology firms, some risks have been neglected and ignored.

The Alibaba Problem: Will outbound investment restrictions on AI cover Alibaba?


Sam Goodman explores the implications of the potential inclusion of Alibaba in outbound investment restrictions regimes under consideration in the West.

Xi's National Security Agenda: How can governments and businesses de-risk?

Dennis Kwok analyses how China's Counter-Espionage Law is leading to a more restricted and uncertain business environment for international companies in China.

How can governments help investors manage ESG risks in China?

Sam Goodman discusses the challenges and risks associated with investing in China's changing investment environment. Governments, banks, and asset managers should stress test China risks, reduce taxpayer exposure, cut investment guarantees, and publish risk registers to mitigate potential vulnerabilities.

What are the core challenges facing China’s economy?

The CSRI Economics team demonstrates the structural challenges in China's economy, covering unsustainable debt, low consumer spending, sector imbalances, and demographic issues, with potential global impacts. Businesses and governments should take steps now to diversify and access new markets in the Indo-Pacific Region.